30 October 2023


Our idea and philosophy about the dental unit were born around 2008 by dentists. They said: “Why do we have to pay so much for a dental chair, and we cannot avoid some costs of the maintenance?”. This is why we decided to build dental units differently.

We decided to create dental units using less components, less electronic components, and give them more efficiency to reduce manufacturing costs and assistance costs during the years.

Our philosophy


We have concentrated a lot on the internal system, the most reliable part of the dental units. Why do we have to put many electronic inside dental chairs that increase the costs? We prefer using pneumatic components, more reliable and less expensive.

The only instruments you need to control with electrical components are the micromotor and the pedal.

Here are the differences between a pneumatic dental unit and an electric one: the input that the pedal gives to the micromotor. If the pedal is electric or pneumatic; we have both solutions.

In our dental unit, if you have a problem with a micromotor, it could be that you have to replace the micromotor control board, and not the entire board that controls all the instruments.


But now stay focused on the concept: Does a complex and expensive dental chair improve your job compared to a simple one? At the end of the day, the result in a dental clinic remains the same! The job of the dentist is the most important: with a 10,000-euro dental unit, you can do the same job with a 50,000-euro dental unit

Why are so many electrical components inside the dental chairs? We think this is a reason for marketing around Europe. We prefer to follow the American philosophy: less competitors and less technicians in a very big country. Here in Europe the competition and the business of the dental market are very different: Complexity and many spare parts make a very big business for companies, technicians, and dealers, but not for the dentist.

We like the changes in the dental market over these years: 20 years ago, the dental unit was the main equipment inside the dental clinic. Today is completely different because a dentist needs many other technologies inside the clinic: an x-ray, panoramic, RVG, and intraoral scanner, for example. The costs for dentists are increasing a lot for a lot of equipment.


Our idea is to reduce the costs where possible: the dental chair.

But the quality? Well, high-quality valves are more reliable and less expensive compared to electronic components for example.

We use Dürr valves, Japanese valves, American tubes, and many Italian equipment like Faro or TKD.

In the end, we want to talk about another point: the assistance timing. The timing of answering a mail or a message from a client, a dealer, or a technician. If you have some problems and you need to act immediately, the right time for an answer is not one month or one week: it is today!


Don’t forget we have many videos about problem-solving, maintenance, installation, our products, and more!

If you want to know more about us watch the video where we talk about all these things!

Don’t forget we have social pages with interesting stuff!